
Posts Tagged ‘Londonvasion’

Londonvasion Re-Cap – phpBB Ascraeus

Posted by Acyd Burn in Development with the tags , , , on September 19th, 2008


I think it is time to write about the presentations we (the developers) gave at Londonvasion revealing the planned features in the upcoming version of phpBB – codenamed Ascraeus.

Please do not take anything mentioned within this blog post as guaranteed. There may be changes, some things may not evolve at all, some may be changed completely. But yeah, this is the current state of planning.

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Templating just got easier

Posted by Development Team in Development, Styles with the tags , , , , on July 31st, 2008

One of the advantages of a face-to-face meeting is that feature requests and feature discussion can be much more effective; at least if it is about minor window dressing as opposed to huge changes. To curb the wave of requests right here: you should have been there, the opportunity has passed ;-). People watching the SVN repository may know already: there were some major changes in the past two weeks. A lot is moving right now in the active branches, but that’s for future posts.

Today it is a great pleasure for us to unveil a new feature for the 3.0 branch, to be released with 3.0.3: Template Inheritance.

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Things we took from London

Posted by Kellanved in Development with the tags on July 25th, 2008

Londonvasion was the first ever in much more than one sense. For the first time:

  • people from all over the world and with different backgrounds assembled to talk about our baby – phpBB.
  • a large part of the phpBB group assembled in one room.
  • almost the entire development team met face to face.

So what did we take from London?
Lots of feedback from the people who use phpBB. Noth gave a heart-warming presentation about it working, and Andy Miller presented his plans around phpBB. We heard a lot about the tiny things that the community finds irritating, illogical or or just not working as they should. It was fascinating to have members from both the Joomla! and Drupal communities adding their respective viewpoints.

What will we do with it?
Well, we sat down, debated things, designed features, came up with solutions, considered scalability – in short the things that are only possible with the developers assembled in one room.

What will be result?

Well, there will be code. There will be improvements to existing features and other new features which people asked for to solve various problems they were encountering.

Thanks to all the people who gave us feedback, wishes and participated in the very fruitful discussions.