
Archive for September, 2017

We’re in Budapest!

Posted by Jim Mossing Holsteyn in Development, Events on September 9th, 2017

After several months of preparations and many hours of travelling, most of our team members have arrived in Budapest for our annual team hackathon. Our meeting space was provided by L’Office Budapest. Their great team made sure we got to work in a nice environment in a lovely location. Thanks a lot for your hospitality!


Even though we’re only two days in, we’re already considering this meet-up another great success. Members from all of our different teams were present, along with GSoC student rubencm. We’ve been working on many different types of improvements for the project. A quick list of those improvements are as follows (even though we probably still miss a lot here):

  • Fixing loads and loads of bugs
  • Re-introducing phpBB Ideas
  • Working on exciting new features (such as installing extensions from the ACP)
  • Finishing up on the GSoC projects (more on that soon!)
  • Mass validation of new extensions
  • Website adjustments to improve user-friendliness
  • Additions of many new Knowledge Base articles and tutorials
  • Improvement of official Developer Documentation
  • Merging and fixing existing Pull Requests

Our party consisted of: CHItA, Crizzo, DavidIQ, Derky, Elsensee, hanakin, JimA, kasimi, Marc, Marshalrusty, Nicofuma, Paul, rubencm and stevemaury.

Here are some nice pictures to make you feel like you’re here with us!