
[Poll] Community Choice: Next Official Extension

Posted by EXreaction in Extensions with the tags on July 15th, 2014

The Extensions Development Team would like to ask you to vote for the next official extension!

We’ve compiled the following list for you to choose from:

  • Auto Groups – an extension which allows admins to configure conditions, e.g. reaching defined post count, membership days, or warnings, that will add users automatically to a defined usergroup.
  • Posting Templates – an extension that allows admins to create predefined/canned message templates that can be used when a user starts a new topic.
  • Paypal/Donation – a page for accepting donations through PayPal including the ability to add users who donate to a special group (Donor Group).
  • Pages – an extension that allows admins to create custom static pages for their forum.

Vote Now to be heard (until July 28)!

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