
Development Update: Responsive Design

Posted by naderman in Development with the tags on October 20th, 2013

Screenshot of Mobile Viewtopic

Since the release of phpBB 3.1 Alpha1, the development and styles team have been busy working on further improvements to the version codenamed Ascraeus. Thanks to Arty finishing up his responsive design for prosilver pull request, phpBB’s default style now dynamically adapts to the screen size of the device used to browse the forum. We’ve updated the Area51 forum to the latest development version so go visit it with your favourite handheld device and check out the differences to the desktop version!

We’re still working out some kinks and trying to improve it, and the improved version of prosilver will ship with Alpha2 soon!

In other news, our Travis CI build matrix has been updated to run our tests on MariaDB in addition to MySQL and PostgreSQL. Tests are automatically executed for every pull request sent to the GitHub phpBB repository. When they run through successfully, this is noted in green on GitHub so the developer reviewing the changes can be certain it did not unintentionally break other phpBB features.

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