After a great deal of travelling, some of us for as many as 36 hours, all 21 attendees arrived in Montréal. For the second year. the 16 team members who could make the event are joined by our Google Summer of Code students. Keeping with the spirit of phpBB’s global nature, our diverse group represents 9 different countries and speaks 12+ unique languages.
After welcoming each other and settling in at the hotel, we bonded over some food and drink at the arrival dinner. Talk quickly turned to all that we wanted to accomplish during the event, this year a full four days long.
Thursday marked the beginning of the first work day. From dawn till disk, we chipped away at the lists of items we had marked for completion. Some of highlights include:
- Finishing a new template engine for phpBB 3.1 (Twig)
- Preparing for the 3.0.12-RC1 release
- Our Google Summer of Code Projects
- MOD & Style Validation
- Support Documentation Improvements
- Website Improvements
- New Forum Software Converters
Check back soon for more updates on our progress and lots more photos.