
Google Summer of Code 2012: Search Backend Refactoring

Posted by dhruv.goel92 in Development with the tags , , , , on July 14th, 2012

During Google Summer of Code, I have been working on Search Backend Refactoring. The project involves minimizing code duplications by improving class abstraction in search backends and integrating PostgreSQL fulltext search [Code] and Sphinx search [Code] into phpBB core. Up till now, the progress has been good with PostgreSQL fulltext search backend already integrated into phpBB 3.1 and Sphinx backend nearing completion too.

The project has been a great learning experience. Apart from learning the various features of Git, I have been able to understand the basics of PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases more clearly. I was introduced to Sphinx during the course of project and honestly I was quite impressed by its performance. All boards running on MySQL and PgSQL databases will soon be able to switch to Sphinx search backend for faster indexing and searching.

Next I intend to start code refactoring and fixing bugs in multiple search backends to provide better search functionality to both users and administrators (by exposing more options in ACP). I will also be writing automated tests side by side to ensure search functionality continues to work correctly.

All this has been possible only because of the timely help I have received from mentors and other team members. They have been patient and appropriately guided me at all times. The overall development experience in the phpBB community has been fantastic, I would love to remain involved and contribute even after GSoC.

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