A very common question about phpBB is how to display recents posts or topics on a separate page, such as a website homepage. It can be very handy to do this, as it allows visitors to your website a chance to quickly see recent activity.
This blog post details how displaying a list of recent posts and topics externally can be done. There are a couple of different formats that are covered:
- The latest topics (including only from specified forums)
- The first post of the latest topics (including from specified forums)
- The latest posts from specified topics
- The latest posts from the entire forum
Everything displayed is subject to the users forum read permissions.
With the information in this article you could either choose to make additions to a current php file or create a brand new php file. To start from the ground up, you need to create a new file (for example, home.php) and include the standard phpBB3 header information. The $phpbb_root_path variable may need to be altered depending on where the phpBB installation is located. If the file is in the same directory as the phpBB root (the same area as viewtopic.php, viewforum.php, etc) then the relative file path ‘./’ does not need to be changed.
If you have your phpBB installation in a directory separate to your main website, you will need to edit the $phpbb_root_path variable. Suppose phpBB was located in a directory called “forums” (ie. http://www.example.com/forums/) and you want the file home.php to be located in the website root directory (ie. http://www.example.com/home.php), then you would need to set the $phpbb_root_path to:
- Code: Select all
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './forums/';
To go “up” a directory, you can use ‘../’. You would use this if phpBB was installed in the website root directory (ie. http://www.example.com/) and you wanted to have your home.php script located in a sub-directory (ie. http://www.example.com/info/home.php).
The standard phpBB header looks like this: (bbcode.php needs to be included as when displaying the latest posts you may wish to parse the bbCode)
- Code: Select all
* home.php
* Description: example file for displaying latest posts and topics
* by battye (for phpBB.com MOD Team)
* September 29, 2009
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
For the sake of simplicity when dealing with extracting posts or topics from multiple sources (ie. multiple topics or multiple forums), a function can be used to create the where clauses for the SQL query.
- Code: Select all
/* create_where_clauses( int[] gen_id, String type )
* This function outputs an SQL WHERE statement for use when grabbing
* posts and topics */
function create_where_clauses($gen_id, $type)
global $db, $auth;
$size_gen_id = sizeof($gen_id);
case 'forum':
$type = 'forum_id';
case 'topic':
$type = 'topic_id';
trigger_error('No type defined');
// Set $out_where to nothing, this will be used of the gen_id
// size is empty, in other words "grab from anywhere" with
// no restrictions
$out_where = '';
if ($size_gen_id > 0)
// Get a list of all forums the user has permissions to read
$auth_f_read = array_keys($auth->acl_getf('f_read', true));
if ($type == 'topic_id')
$sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . '
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $gen_id) . '
AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $auth_f_read);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
// Create an array with all acceptable topic ids
$topic_id_list[] = $row['topic_id'];
$gen_id = $topic_id_list;
$size_gen_id = sizeof($gen_id);
$j = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $size_gen_id; $i++)
$id_check = (int) $gen_id[$i]; // If the type is topic, all checks have been made and the query can start to be built if( $type == 'topic_id' ) { $out_where .= ($j == 0) ? 'WHERE ' . $type . ' = ' . $id_check . ' ' : 'OR ' . $type . ' = ' . $id_check . ' '; } // If the type is forum, do the check to make sure the user has read permissions else if( $type == 'forum_id' && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $id_check) )
$out_where .= ($j == 0) ? 'WHERE ' . $type . ' = ' . $id_check . ' ' : 'OR ' . $type . ' = ' . $id_check . ' ';
if ($out_where == '' && $size_gen_id > 0)
trigger_error('A list of topics/forums has not been created');
return $out_where;
We now include some of the forum and topic ids that will be used throughout the script. $forum_id and $topic_id are both arrays that allow you to grab information from multiple sources. The $forum_id_where and $topic_id_where variables both call a new function, create_where_clauses, which will simplify the database queries.
- Code: Select all
$search_limit = 5;
$forum_id = array(2, 5);
$forum_id_where = create_where_clauses($forum_id, 'forum');
$topic_id = array(20, 50);
$topic_id_where = create_where_clauses($topic_id, 'topic');
$search_limit is the number of rows you want to grab. So if you want to get the 5 latest topics, you would set $search_limit to equal 5;
By leaving the array “$forum_id” empty, it will mean there are no restrictions and it will take the latest posts/topics from the entire forum instead of any particular area. Examples 3 and 4 demonstrate how to take the latest posts from specified areas and the entire board respectively.
Do not forget to change the values in $forum_id and $topic_id from the default values currently given.
There are four examples given below, the code in each example being slightly different to the others. When writing your php file, you will only need to include one of these examples (ie. you do not need to copy/paste the code for all four) to achieve the desired result. Think of each example as being completely separate to the others.
EXAMPLE 1: Display latest topics from specified forums
The first example is selecting the 5 latest topics from the forum(s) chosen above. An example of this can be seen at http://www.bilvardsforum.se/ (Swedish)
- Code: Select all
$topics = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . '
' . $forum_id_where . '
AND topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED . '
AND topic_approved = 1
ORDER BY topic_id DESC';
$topics_result = $db->sql_query_limit($topics, $search_limit);
while ($topics_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($topics_result))
$topic_title = $topics_row['topic_title'];
$topic_author = get_username_string('full', $topics_row['topic_poster'], $topics_row['topic_first_poster_name'], $topics_row['topic_first_poster_colour']);
$topic_date = $user->format_date($topics_row['topic_time']);
$topic_last_post = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "p=" . $topics_row['topic_last_post_id'] . "#" . $topics_row['topic_last_post_id']);
$topic_last_author = get_username_string('full', $topics_row['topic_last_poster_id'], $topics_row['topic_last_poster_name'], $topics_row['topic_last_poster_colour']);
$topic_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "t=" . $topics_row['topic_id']);
$template->assign_block_vars('announcements', array(
'TOPIC_TITLE' => censor_text($topic_title),
'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author,
'TOPIC_DATE' => $topic_date,
'TOPIC_LAST_POST' => $topic_last_post,
'TOPIC_LAST_AUTHOR' => $topic_last_author,
'TOPIC_LINK' => $topic_link,
A very primitive example of the templating code associated with this would be as follows. (for much more detailed templating examples, see the templating syntax article at the wiki):
- Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN announcements -->
Title: {announcements.TOPIC_TITLE}
Author: {announcements.TOPIC_AUTHOR}
Date: {announcements.TOPIC_DATE}
Last post: {announcements.TOPIC_LAST_POST}
Topic link: {announcements.TOPIC_LINK}
<!-- END announcements -->
EXAMPLE 2: Display first post from the last five topics
The next example involves extracting the first post of each of the five last topics. It consists of quite a lot of the same code, except this time it also gets the post text and makes some bbCode related calls. Notice how the posts and topics are selected within the same SQL query – by doing a left join it means you do not have to include a second database query when looping through the results of the initial query.
For examples 2 to 4, see how a new bbcode object has been created and its associated functions are used to allow the post text to be correctly parsed.
An example of this can be seen at http://www.cricketmx.com/ (English)
- Code: Select all
$posts_ary = array(
'SELECT' => 'p.*, t.*',
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
'FROM' => array(TOPICS_TABLE => 't'),
'ON' => 't.topic_first_post_id = p.post_id'
'WHERE' => str_replace( array('WHERE ', 'forum_id'), array('', 't.forum_id'), $forum_id_where) . '
AND t.topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED . '
AND t.topic_approved = 1',
'ORDER_BY' => 'p.post_id DESC',
$posts = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $posts_ary);
$posts_result = $db->sql_query_limit($posts, $search_limit);
while ($posts_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($posts_result))
$topic_title = $posts_row['topic_title'];
$topic_author = get_username_string('full', $posts_row['topic_poster'], $posts_row['topic_first_poster_name'], $posts_row['topic_first_poster_colour']);
$topic_date = $user->format_date($posts_row['topic_time']);
$topic_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "t=" . $posts_row['topic_id']);
$post_text = nl2br($posts_row['post_text']);
$bbcode = new bbcode(base64_encode($bbcode_bitfield));
$bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($post_text, $posts_row['bbcode_uid'], $posts_row['bbcode_bitfield']);
$post_text = smiley_text($post_text);
$template->assign_block_vars('announcements', array(
'TOPIC_TITLE' => censor_text($topic_title),
'TOPIC_AUTHOR' => $topic_author,
'TOPIC_DATE' => $topic_date,
'TOPIC_LINK' => $topic_link,
'POST_TEXT' => censor_text($post_text),
EXAMPLE 3: Display posts from specified topics
The third example is grabbing the latest posts from a specified topic(s). An example of this can be seen at http://www.tokiohotelfans.se/ (Swedish)
- Code: Select all
$posts_ary = array(
'SELECT' => 'p.*, t.*, u.username, u.user_colour',
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
'FROM' => array(USERS_TABLE => 'u'),
'ON' => 'u.user_id = p.poster_id'
'FROM' => array(TOPICS_TABLE => 't'),
'ON' => 'p.topic_id = t.topic_id'
'WHERE' => str_replace( array('WHERE ', 'topic_id'), array('', 't.topic_id'), $topic_id_where) . '
AND t.topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED . '
AND t.topic_approved = 1',
'ORDER_BY' => 'p.post_id DESC',
$posts = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $posts_ary);
$posts_result = $db->sql_query_limit($posts, $search_limit);
while ($posts_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($posts_result))
$topic_title = $posts_row['topic_title'];
$post_author = get_username_string('full', $posts_row['poster_id'], $posts_row['username'], $posts_row['user_colour']);
$post_date = $user->format_date($posts_row['post_time']);
$post_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "p=" . $posts_row['post_id'] . "#p" . $posts_row['post_id']);
$post_text = nl2br($posts_row['post_text']);
$bbcode = new bbcode(base64_encode($bbcode_bitfield));
$bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($post_text, $posts_row['bbcode_uid'], $posts_row['bbcode_bitfield']);
$post_text = smiley_text($post_text);
$template->assign_block_vars('announcements', array(
'TOPIC_TITLE' => censor_text($topic_title),
'POST_AUTHOR' => $post_author,
'POST_DATE' => $post_date,
'POST_LINK' => $post_link,
'POST_TEXT' => censor_text($post_text),
EXAMPLE 4: Display posts from anywhere
This final example demonstrates how to display the latest posts from the entire board with no restrictions on topics. The only difference is the removal of the line ‘ . str_replace(‘topic_id’, ‘t.topic_id’, $topic_id_where) . ‘. It is replaced with an sql_in_set call that restricts the returned results to areas that the user has correct permissions for. An example of this example can be seen at http://www.rmcgirr83.org/ (English)
- Code: Select all
$posts_ary = array(
'SELECT' => 'p.*, t.*, u.username, u.user_colour',
'FROM' => array(
'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
'FROM' => array(USERS_TABLE => 'u'),
'ON' => 'u.user_id = p.poster_id'
'FROM' => array(TOPICS_TABLE => 't'),
'ON' => 'p.topic_id = t.topic_id'
'WHERE' => $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', array_keys($auth->acl_getf('f_read', true))) . '
AND t.topic_status <> ' . ITEM_MOVED . '
AND t.topic_approved = 1',
'ORDER_BY' => 'p.post_id DESC',
$posts = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $posts_ary);
$posts_result = $db->sql_query_limit($posts, $search_limit);
while ($posts_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($posts_result))
$topic_title = $posts_row['topic_title'];
$post_author = get_username_string('full', $posts_row['poster_id'], $posts_row['username'], $posts_row['user_colour']);
$post_date = $user->format_date($posts_row['post_time']);
$post_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "p=" . $posts_row['post_id'] . "#p" . $posts_row['post_id']);
$post_text = nl2br($posts_row['post_text']);
$bbcode = new bbcode(base64_encode($bbcode_bitfield));
$bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($post_text, $posts_row['bbcode_uid'], $posts_row['bbcode_bitfield']);
$post_text = smiley_text($post_text);
$template->assign_block_vars('announcements', array(
'TOPIC_TITLE' => censor_text($topic_title),
'POST_AUTHOR' => $post_author,
'POST_DATE' => $post_date,
'POST_LINK' => $post_link,
'POST_TEXT' => censor_text($post_text),
By editing the SQL query you can manipulate the examples above to do almost anything you would like with regards to displaying posts and topics on external pages.
By using the templating variables, you can also incorporate the results into a page styled like phpBB3. To do this you should end the page with the code given below, and create an associated phpBB3 template (*.html) file. As above, for further information about templating please read the phpBB wiki page on template syntax.
- Code: Select all
page_header('The title of your page goes here');
'body' => 'home_body.html'
Also, see the corresponding wiki article to this blog post at Displaying posts and topics on external pages
Some clarification is necessary, I think:
This does not mean “back” a directory, as this is misleading – the correct term is “up” a directory, where “up” specifies “parent directory” of the current working directory.
implies the “parent” directory, whereas
is the current working directory. There is no concept of “back” when working in a traditional script environment.
Aside from the above point, this is a very good guide from the wiki. Will it be updated to reflect any changes on the original page?