
Archive for April, 2009

Guest Post: Starting your own MOD by A_O_C

Posted by wGEric in Modifications with the tags , , on April 21st, 2009

MOD requests are common with each version of phpBB. Every user wants something different to make their board unique. The problem, however, is that there are more users than MOD Authors. However, with an understanding of PHP and phpBB, you can create your own!

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What do you want to see on this blog?

Posted by battye in Development, Moderating, Modifications, Styles, Support with the tags on April 14th, 2009

I touched on this in an article at my own site last month, but it is worth mentioning here as well.

This blog currently covers a wide range of topics relating to how to run your forum (How many forums should I create?, How Many Moderators Do You Really Need?, etc), to technical aspects about phpBB and MODs (Injection Vulnerabilities, Templating just got easier, etc) and even general posts about the phpBB project itself (Talkin bout Area51, Londonvasion Re-Cap – phpBB Ascraeus, etc). We would like some feedback from the community to get an idea about the sort of things you would like to read in the blog posts.

Our questions to you is: are there any topics in particular you would like to see posted in the blog? Are there other categories of articles (besides the ones mentioned above) which we need to focus on more?

Please give us your feedback by replying in the comments box below.


Guest Post: Supporting phpBB by JimA

Posted by wGEric in Support with the tags , , on April 6th, 2009

Because phpBB is a very large product, it needs to be supported. People who have a problem/question and they come here to find an answer or solution. Have you ever looked at the support forums? If so, you might have seen that there are many many topics a day and just a few people answering the topics, which is great of course.

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