
The phpBB Code Wiki – How you can help

Posted by Highway of Life in Development, Modifications, Styles with the tags , , on September 9th, 2008

If you have not yet read the phpBB Wiki Announcement or have not followed the discussion topic. I would encourage you to do so and take a look at the new development wiki:

What is a Wiki and what can I do with it?

A Wiki is a type of website that allows the users and visitors to add, remove, and edit the available content. — Anyone who is interested in working with the phpBB Codebase, from website administrators who want to integrate phpBB into their site, or create a quick-script, to bridge or application developers to bridge phpBB with their application, to MOD Authors. The wiki is for those who want to learn more about the phpBB Codebase or simply have a question about how to do something or how something works within phpBB.

The wiki is also a great way to learn about how to begin programming in PHP/phpBB and developing a MOD.

What can I do to expand the wiki?

The wiki also extends beyond those wanting to learn about Codebase. — Every MOD Author, Developer, site administrator or simply anyone with experience or expertise in working with phpBB, whether that knowledge is limited or extensive, you can contribute to the wiki. If the content you can contribute is only partial or limited, we still encourage you to contribute what you can. Wiki’s can be expanded by others, so don’t be shy about contributing small or limited documentation.

The wiki is a great opportunity for those of you who have wished for more extensive documentation on the phpBB Code base or wish that the documentation was easier to access in a single location.

I’d like to contribute, but I don’t know what to write about

If you’d like to contribute to the wiki but don’t know what to write about or don’t know if your content would be good enough to be included into the wiki here are some suggestions:

[1] Creating function manual pages.
The idea is that these pages are a lot like the function reference pages. (example of fopen();), you could take an existing function from the phpBB3 Sourcecode Documentation and convert it into a wiki function reference article.

Here is an example of the dbal::sql_build_query converted into a wiki dbal.sql_build_query page. — You can click edit to view the wiki markup used on the page. The sources that could be used for these kinds of pages are:

  1. Sourcecode Documentation
  2. Coding Guidelines
  3. Viewing the function
  4. Viewing example implementations
  5. Referencing existing documentation.

Because of the nature of the wiki, your article does not have to be a complete article, it can be a partial article, a paragraph, or even a contributed sentance to an existing article.

[2] Converting Tutorials
The trigger_error article from phpBBModders is a good example of a good article that could be converted over to a trigger_error wiki article.

There are other locations here on such as the Knowledge base code articles, phpBB Modifications Documentation, and even some posts on the MOD Writers Discussion Forum.
There are some 3rd party sites like phpBB Modders articles, StarTrekGuide tutorials, or ktuk notes that have a “free documentation” or “beerware” license for documentation and can have content copied over into the phpBB Wiki.

[3] Ask.
If you would like to write about something, but you don’t know what, or if you would like us to tell you what the most needed documentation is, please reply to this topic or you can contact me via PM.

But I don’t know how to create wiki markup!

I hope that won’t stop you from contributing. :D — even if you contribute in plain text, someone else can come along and easily format it. But wiki markup is easy enough to create.

There are some Help Articles that should help you get started formatting wiki pages. You can also reference existing pages by clicking the EDIT tab and viewing the markup.

The wiki accepts many types of HTML tags, so you can use HTML markup to get started if it makes it easier for you.

Alternative, you can reply to this topic and ask for assistance or contact me via PM for assistance.

Good luck in creating articles!
– Highway

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6 Responses to “The phpBB Code Wiki – How you can help”

Posted by Eric Martindale on September 10th, 2008 at 7:34 pm:

I’m incredibly excited about the wiki project! It really should vastly improve the documentation, as long as quality is kept up.

Also, I’m dying to get the templates you guys used for this blog and the wiki! Where can I find these resources?

Posted by Highway of Life on September 10th, 2008 at 8:57 pm:

The quality of the wiki is not that difficult to maintain at this point, but what we need now is contributors. 😉

The wiki theme was designed by Will Hough (Styles Team), the blog template was designed by wGEric. — I believe only those two could answer the question if if they are ever going to be released. I can almost say for certain that the blog template will not be released because it is the style. — the wiki template is up to Will.

Posted by shyboy on September 13th, 2008 at 8:00 pm:


I looking for a wiki phpbb for a long time!

Posted by Night Elve on September 16th, 2008 at 2:37 pm:

I would like to know too if it is possible to get the Wiki Theme since is a pretty good looking one.

I’m setting up a local wiki at my home and I really want to use this theme.


Posted by Highway of Life on September 16th, 2008 at 5:45 pm:

Night Elve, I replied to that question already a few comments above. 😉

Posted by Rupika on August 24th, 2009 at 11:36 am:

I am also looking for wiki phpbb for a very long time. Can I also know how to set up a locat wiki at home. I am interested in it.


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